Sunday, April 1, 2007

L134 Leopard Frog Pleco Profile

Scientific Name : Peckoltia sp. L134
Family : Loricariidae
Common Name : Leopard Frog Pleco
Maximum Length : 11cm / 4.3"
Origin : Rio Tapajos, Brazil - A black water river
pH Level : 6.0 - 7.4

Things to note: One of the most popular peckoltia species in the market, Leopard Frog Plecos are one of the species that have been bred successfully by hobbyists.

Personal comments : My former L134 was really shy, and hardly moved. Nevertheless it was beautiful and best of all, if you stare hard enough at its patterns you can even discern 4 beautiful numbers :) It died in the great purge and I haven't gotten another one since.

Tips : L134 mature when relatively small, and is good for breeding. You can choose form elaborately patterned individuals, or go for more evenly striped ones.


Sexual dimporphism / reproduction : Males develop small teeth-like odontodes which adorn the leading pectoral fin rays and the back half of the fishes body. Females remain unadorned and have a wider girth across the body most evident when the area just behind the pectoral fins is viewed from above. See breeding article here.

Feeding : An omnivorious pleco, L134 eats almost everything offered to it.

Behavior in captivity : L134 needs time to acclimatize into local conditions, and is relatively territorial.

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